Monday, November 5, 2012

I'm back!!!! :)

Hey! I am really sorry that I haven't posted at all recently, but I had a lot going on. Recently( as in 14 weeks ago) I moved to California! I am loving it. I had been very busy with packing, and unpacking so I haven't had time to post. In Tech we will have a free time to do anything we wanted that was Technology related! I decided to use that time to blog again. Sadly I might have to create all new columns. The first grade dogolog will have to go. I am not sure about the rest, but I am trying to see if I can find a way to keep them. I promise I will post more often. :)


  1. NICE girl! Awesome blog! this is soooooo cool!

  2. Glad I checked your blog again! Hope you are enjoying California and get to foster some dogs there. Happy New Year!
